Clown 1 – Courage to Be!

Clowning is about entering into a spontaneous, creative and improvisational relationship with other people and one’s own environment from the perception of the moment. This invites a centeredness in oneself – an important experience for the teacher. Clowning is a way of letting go and at the same time an artistic creation. Clowning speaks from the heart and is an invitation for meaningful meeting of the other, creating relationships. It leads us into a heart-warming interpersonal space. Clowning offers the chance to develop self-confidence and to find security in the waves and challenges of life. This experience has proven to be helpful for teaching.

We work in a group with no more than 16 participants. We start warming up with games, vocal and physical exercises. We continue with improvisations on a stage (alone or with others). Each improvisation is discussed afterwards to bring out the positive and important aspects of our clown and how he lives with us. This is all done with care and respect for the individual, within a framework of rules that provide a safe and protective environment.

The clown is the playful aspect in us that makes big things small and small things big in all situations. The clown in everyday life is the part in us that always fails to do everything „right“ and still tries again and again! The clown in us is emotional, vulnerable, innocent, and open to whatever happens. The one who approaches stagnant situations with chaos and creativity. The spontaneous one who has no plans and enjoys everything that comes his way. The clown gives wings to our imagination while keeping both feet firmly planted on the ground. It is only when we let go of control over things that we are surprised by what is revealed to us.

The word “courage” comes from a root that means “heart.” Through clowning and connecting to our playful spirit we can develop and sustain, in ourselves and each other, the heart to be who we truly are, to trust life and ourselves. “Taking heart” is a profoundly inward process, and an invitation for overcoming the fears that block us from being fully present in the “Here and Now.”

Mittwoch, 07. Juni bis Sonntag, 11. Juni 2023
Mittwoch 15.00-16:30 Uhr/16:30-17:00 Uhr Pause/17:00-18:30 Uhr
Donnerstag bis Samstag 09:00-10:30 Uhr/10:30-11:00 Uhr Pause/11:00-12:30 Uhr/12:30-13:30 Uhr Lunch/13:30-15:00 Uhr/15:00-15:30 Uhr Pause/15:30-16:30 Uhr
Sonntag 09:00-10:30 Uhr/10:30-11:00 Uhr Pause/11:00-12:30 Uhr

The seminar will be held in English.

Angela Hopkins: Geboren in Bristol (UK), aufgewachsen in UK und Deutschland, von Natur aus schüchtern. Mutter von vier Kindern, Mitbegründerin von Timeout – einer ganzheitlichen Jugendhilfe-Einrichtung, Waldorf-Englischlehrerin und Projektmanagerin, Köchin auf schottischen Wandertouren, und Clowning Facilitator: durch jeden Aspekt ihres Lebens ziehen Spiel, Verspieltheit und Freude als roter Faden. Mehr über nose to nose clowning:


07. - 11. Jun. 2023


15:00 - 12:30


275 € / 180 € ermäßigt


Waldorf Institut Witten Annen
Annener Berg 15, 58454 Witten


Christa Greshake-Ebding

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